Date: March , 2007
Parkingallery in collaboration with Reloading Images and Azad Art Gallery
Pooya Abbasian | Keyvan Azad | Carl Boutard | Magnus Thoren | Cedric Bomford | Ehsan Behmanesh | Ana Bezelga | Elham Doust Haghighi | Eva Drangensholt | Samira Eskandarfar | Farhad Fozouni | Amirali Ghasemi | Mohamedreza Heydary | Junishiro Ishii | Fardid Jafari Samarghandi | Behnam Kamrani | Karri Kuoppala | Mehdi Mirmohammadi | Hamed Sahihi | Behrang Samadzadegan | Rozita Sharafjahan | Jinoos Taghizadeh | Yasser Raad
- Tarahan Azad Gallery
- Atbin Gallery
- Zangar Gallery
- Tehran Gallery
Video Screening/Sound Installation/ Performance
As the world is becoming smaller and smaller for us, we still have limited access to each other. We merely understand the codes that make us read images through a distance that seems very near but still so far.
Tehran would be a perfect destination for the project initiated by Parkingallery to exchange exciting examples of various responses to disconnection and connectivity at the same time.
The Pocket Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus
de-press /dipres/ 1 push or pull down;
lower. 2 make dispirited or dejected.
3 Econ. reduce the activity of (esp. trade).
- depressed area area suffering from eco nomic depression. deepress’ing adi de• press’ing•ly
- 1 press (down). 2 oppress, sadden, dis hearten, discourage. 3 weaken, du11; depre ciate; lower, bring down. depressing see OPPRESSIVE 1, 2, SAD
de•pres-sant /dipresant/ • adj. 1 that de presses. 2 Med. sedative. • n. 1 Med. agent, esp. a drug, that sedates. 2 influence that de presses.
- 1 see SEDATIVE n.
de-pres-sion /dipreshan/ n. 1 a Psychol. ex treme melancholy, often with physical symp toms. b reduction in vitality, vigor, or spirits. 2 a Jong period of financial and industrial decline. b (the Depression) the economic decline of the 1930s. 3 Meteorol. lowering of atmospheric pressure. 4 hollow on a sur face. 5 pressing down.
- 1 b dejection, despair, gloom, sadness, the blues; see also MEUNCHOLY n. 2 a reces sion, slump, (economic) decline. 3 4 indentation, dent, dimple.
de-pres-sive /dipresiv/ • adi 1 tending to depress. 2 Psychol involving or character ized by depression. • n. Psychol person suf fering or with a tendency to suffer from depression.
deep /deep/ • ad_j. 1 extending far down or in. 2 a to or at a specified depth (6 feel deep). b in a specified number of ranks (soldiers drawn up six deep). 3 situated or coming from far down, back, or in (deep in his pockets, deep sigh). 4 low-pitched; full-toned (deep voice). 5 intense; extreme (deep disgrace). 6 heartfelt; absorbing (deep affection). 7 fully absorbed or overwhelmed (deep in debt).
8 profound; difficult to understand (deep thought). • n. 1 [prec. by the] poet. the sea. 2 abyss, pit, or cavity. • adv. deeply; far down or in (read deep into the night). □ deep freeze 1 refrigerator in which food can be quickly frozen and kept for long periods. 2 suspen sion of activity. deep-freeze freeze or store (food) in a deep freeze. deep-fry (-fries, -fried) fry (food) in fat or oil suffi cient to cover it. deep’ly adv. n.
- f. 1 extensive, bottomless, profound; yawning. 4 resonant, booming. 5 rich, strong; see also INTENSE I, 3, VIVID I. 6 in tense, sincere, earnest, ardent, fervent; see also ABSORBING. 7 rapt, engrossed, occupied, intent. 8 weighty, heavy, arcane, abstruse; obscure, incomprehensible; mysterious; wise, learned, sage, astute, acute, intense. •
- 1 (the deep) the ocean, the high seas. 2 see ABYSS I. • adv. see deeply below, profoundly (PROFOUND). deep freeze 2 see PAUSE n.
deeply (far) downward or inward, way down, deep down; profoundly, intensely, strongly, acutely, greatly, extremely, severely, unreservedly; passionately..